Wednesday 28 March 2012

Outdoor life

The recent fantastic weather (temperatures reaching 27ºC) has meant a resumption of our lives outside. We aren't the only happy creatures with many birds making the most of delicious goodies left for them!

One of our most common visitors is the great tit - no laughing in the cheap seats, please!
Less timid is the chaffinch
A greenfinch gets stuck in
whilst these turtle doves eye up possible tasty morsels
The garden has also come to life again

with daffodils dancing in the breeze
and this beautiful double tulip
LCA's friend the bee sampling nectar from the plum blossom
Thanks to LCA for planting out these colourful pansies
The lemon tree finds its way back outside for the summer
Tine & LCA's shell collection de-smelling outside before joining the others indoors
And the best bit? Eating outside of course. But what is that nouveauté you spy in the background...?

Thanks to LCA for many of these photos!

Friday 23 March 2012

LCA comes to visit

This post is for Barbara. Bonjour!

A little earlier than usual this year we have La Correspondante Anglaise (LCA) in our midst once again and it is thanks to her for these photos.

Giant bird prints on 'our' beach - they really were big but perhaps not as huge as these seem!
The lonely landing stage awaiting the building of the new jetty to attach it to the mainland. 
A nearly deserted Avenue de la Plage, except for Mr & Mrs Blog and worker' vans busy at Café de la Plage & Philippe's ice cream parlour
We showed LCA the new bird sanctuary at La Pointe d'Arçay - not many birds around but some lovely photos all the same

Then onto La Pointe de l'Aiguillon with a very calm sea, dramatic sky, fencing and millions of shells

Journey back via the ancient island of La Dive...
and a sign to say Mr Bricolage has now closed, to reopen before too long!
Finally, an amazing fossil that Tine found on the beach at La Pointe de l'Aiguillon

Monday 19 March 2012

Back to Ragondinland

I went for a solo cycle ride last week and ended up on our favourite ragondin (coypu) spotting road, by the small aerodrome. The best news was that the stork has returned, as can be seen in the first three photos.

There were many ragondins enjoying the warmth of the late afternoon sun, but quickly diving in the waterways when they hear me!

Later I saw a stork in a field by the fire station. See how water-logged the ground still is. We'll be on a hose-pipe ban soon like in the south of the UK!

Thursday 15 March 2012

Preparing for the new season

We love the buzz in La Tranche at this time of year as people busy themselves with transformations or just a lick of paint. We've been busy chez nous as well but more of that another time!
Alex is making big changes at La Forge, already looking very different to this: must take another photo! 
The water run off filtration works have been going on all winter (the crane to the right in the background), all to make the beach cleaner.
The apartments near l'Equipage are looking very grand and the area looks much better. I haven't seen evidence of occupancy yet though.
Stock is now being transferred from the old Mr Bricolage (French B&Q!) to the new, situated just beyond the flags roundabout at the entrance to La Tranche from La Roche. 

And look at La Paillote's roof after Matt struggled with all those leaks these last few years!

Every day the new town square looks bigger and more impressive.

Sunday 11 March 2012

The last pillar

I don't think these photos (all taken on 9th March) will need much commentary
An unusual view of proceedings from the end of the jetty

All clear!

Now to join the other pillars on the slipway
Keep tuned in for future developments!

Saturday 10 March 2012

At last!

Yes, the moment you've all been waiting for: work finally starts on the replacement jetty!
5th March: This sign had been up for a while now, but no visible activity
5th MarchThen your hawk-eyed blogger noticed a new portakabin and groups of people, arms folded & chatting - always a good sign! 
7th March: Already two pillars removed from the last jetty 
8th March: More pillars removed but look how big the tide is! 
8th March: Five pillars resting quietly waiting for the tide to go out 
9th March: How's this for a balancing act?
9th March: Seven down, one to go
9th March: See how far the tide has gone out? Number seven being pulled out extremely slowly
9th March: Beautifully warm in the spring sunshine
9th March: Hopefully the Inter-Iles boats will once again be leaving from here before too long. Save your pennies!
If you're very well-behaved I'll do an extra post tomorrow to show the last 
pillar being removed - exciting stuff!