And I wasn't alone: there was quite a crowd of onlookers as it was low tide with plenty of space around. It is always amazing to see huge machines and heavy materials being manoeuvred so delicately. If they continue at this rate I'm sure they will meet their deadline.
Have you also noticed the sky in recent photos? We've had a wonderfully hot spell this last few days, which has meant many dips in the sea or the pool, and a very healthy glow for Tine and me. Sadly the forecasters tell us it could change soon. Fingers crossed it doesn't ....
Wow - looks amazing. Hopefully we will get our boat ride after all :) Sun shining here too, but not quite the same when you're stuck in a classroom with no beach or pool to look forward to (as well you know!). Counting down the days now although as Cecile pointed out, I'm sure the rain is simply holding out until I'm there! xxx
What excitement! Looking as if it will be ready by the time we get there! Thank you super scoop reporter for keeping the world up to date. But when the weather's so good, early isn't too difficult.
Bisous, LCA.
Ma curiosité avivée par ce documentaire grand reporter "high quality" (encore merci la fête des pères) Nous sommes allés avec Jean nous promener pour admirer par un super éclairage sur notre côte Tranchaise ( pour ne pas dire plage) les travaux grandeur nature,quoi qu'en disent certaines personnes!les entrepreneurs Francais savent vraiment en mettre un coup, quand ils le veulent bien!!!
Nadine tu peux y croire pour le 29 JUILLET et ce soir la météo était encore Top comme toujours ici .....tu peux demander si je dis vrai à ta cousine caro !!!
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