Tine & Nad practising their synchro-swim routine for the next Olympics!
It's nearly a week since our return to La Tranche. Tine's back at work but Nadine is still here to keep me company in the mornings (care in the community?)We got back on 15th August which is a National holiday here. We had our now traditional buffet party for visiting Brits before heading for the main beach to enjoy the firework display: not as good as July's in my opinion but still fantastic. On to Matt's bar afterwards for beers, then to bed. Thanks to Nad & Jodi for shopping and preparing the wonderful food!
Most of the Nadstock gang had left, but we still enjoyed a few days with Jodi & Mouse on their second visit to La Tranche. Don't leave it so long next time!
So, this last week we've been relaxing after our strenuous (!) holiday in the UK as the photos show. The weather isn't solid blue but we've had plenty of sun to replenish our fading tans.
Don't forget www.4gotoscotland.blogspot.com on the Web near you!
Maintenant je comprends pourquoi nous ne voyons plus nadine a l'aquagym!!!!
avec ses effets de jambes dans la grande bleue!!!! superbe les nanas
vu égalementun superbe reportage des execellentes photos des 4 go qui narguent les travailleurs saisonniers!!!
Nous saurons vous narguer quand notre tour viendra.
En attendantà bientôt rendez-vous au bar branché de la Tranche bises
Ca suffit les craneuses ...
Nice weather in Bingley too so there.
Nadine, Enjoy the rest of your hollidays.
oui je suis d'accord, Nadine crane dans sa piscine car elle a quand meme eu un peu de soleil.
Aujourd'hui grand ciel bleu Nadine tu es repartie à Bingley ?
Que je suis méchante.
Bisous et à bientôt
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