2008 brought you the new jetty, 2009 the new carpark. Is 2010 the year of the new promenade? Actually the answer is yes but it was still a surprise to see early markings on the beach of where the new wooden promenade is to be positioned.
There was also this delivery of prepared hardwood just by the CNT. Whether it's for the new promenade (a bit of a distance away) or preparations for the various commerces which spring up on the way to the jetty each year, we'll have to wait and see.
Let's hope they clean off all the graffiti and tidy up the derelict buildings which spoil the sea-front on the main beach.
1 comment:
Merci gentil reporter, j'avais lu dans le ouest france le weeek end dernier que les travaux de la passerelle allaient commencer, nous en avons la preuve par l'image!!
Tu pourrais devenir reporter local pour la commune !!
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