Wednesday 22 June 2011

La Folie de Fanfarine

A good thing about having a youngster stopping with us is that gives us the opportunity to visit places tailor made for children. La Folie de Fanfarine is a nature trail where you can explore the world of bees. Maddie loved the rucksack they lent her, complete with compass, magnifying glass and 'special eye' to see how a bee sees. We followed the trail, solving clues along the way, helping to save Bizzbee.

This deer didn't seem at all afraid!

We had a go at scraping off the honey from the cones (and licking our fingers afterwards, of course).

So this is how a bee sees!

The larger than life models of bees at the end of the trail were really funny. I'll let you work out which is which.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salut les Tranchais.
Good to see all the photos of trips with your visitors - looks like a fun time was had by all. I've seen adverts for La Folie de Finfarine & wondered what it was - thanks for providing the answer.
On the garden front, it's raspberry picking time here - yummy!