Friday 25 November 2016

Le Château de la Cantaudière, Venise Verte & la Belle Henriette

'Er from Brittany came to stay for a few days and we played at being tourists again. Naturally no photographic evidence of 'Er ever being here!

Each September France has a heritage weekend when places that aren't usually visitable open their doors to the public
Destination le Château de la Cantaudière, a short car journey from La Tranche. Sadly we had to make do with outside viewing as major works were being carried out.

Wild cyclamen in abundance

Next day to Arçais in the Venise Verte, 'Er never having experienced the boat excursion along the man-made waterways

Our guide setting fire to the methane gas bubbling up from the bed of the canal

Onwards to Maillezais with its water lilies and its own port for waterway trips

Another visit took us to La Belle Henriette where much work has been done since the 2010 storm

The old bridge over the lagoon...
...thankfully now replaced!

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