Saturday 3 August 2024

Back to Sorrento & an aborted trip to Vesuvius

And just to prove where we were:

Wandering the streets we came across this beautiful fountain...

...and stepped inside an old church, now a beautiful art gallery.

Lemon trees are everywhere...

...and don't the souvenir shops know it!

Tine having a quiet moment...

...before sitting down to a spot of lunch...

...followed by real Italian ice cream, of course!

Later the four of us enjoyed a lovely meal

Our last day and Tine & I decided to visit the top of Vesuvius. The tourist office hadn't explained that we had to book tickets beforehand son we only managed the coach-ride so far.

However we still enjoyed the view over the Bay of Naples, this area once covered with debris from the volcano...

...and some weird and wonderful sculptures made from lava.

Yet another meal, this time our last. Back to the UK next day!

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