Saturday, 8 February 2025

Last visit

Back to our old haunting grounds of Lister Park in Manningham, Bradford.

The main gates to the park with Cartwright Hall in the background.

We weren't alone, Mr Squirrel making an appearance.

In these unpleasant times of anti-semitism...

...a positive note.

Samuel Lister

AlfnBets loved the playpark last time we were here

Peter Pan statue in the middle of the boating lake.

Your faithful blogger in the autumn of his life?

Did I say we weren't alone? Mr Rat made an appearance too!

The cyclamen were beautiful...

'er indoors too!

It's 50 years since we lived on the middle floor of this house. We have mixed memories: great parties but oh so cold in winter!

And there it is, another trip back to the UK over.

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