Friday 8 May 2009

Opening of La Paillote

Once again there's been quite a gap between posts on the blog (nicely pointed out by one or two emails)! We've been pretty busy with getting La Paillote ready, then the opening, and in between times I'm STILL varnishing/staining the shutters, window frames and front door. I must admit it's looking good. There are just the frames of the East Wing and the new bathroom to do, and then it'll probably be time to start again!
So La Paillote opened on 30th April with Matt racing around being greeter/barman/order taker, whilst Tine is pizza chef and young cousin Charles doing the plat du jour, desserts and salads. The food looks and tastes excellent! The main chef starts on June 12th. Not sure when the other servers start but Matt says he's got a great team lined up.
As for me I'm helping Matt set up in the morning, attempting to keep his paperwork in order and fetching required items when needed. Whilst preparing the opening I must have washed and dried hundreds of glasses.
LCA and Tine tidied up the plant corner and Matt has bought loads more for the bar and restaurant, and it's looking really good!
So far it hasn't been very busy but nicely ticking over. When I've finished this I'm off to the early Happy Hour. Cheers!


Nadine said...

Yeah! Happy hour! Not tooooo long till I can join in :) x

cécile said...

Nous avons diné hier soir à La Paillote et j'ai donné 9.5/10 aux pizzas. Je n'ai pas voulu mettre 10 car la perfection n'existe pas mais je dois dire que Tine s'en rapproche beaucoup ...
Bravo !!!
Dave, il faut que tu demandes les photos de la pizza d'anniv faite par tine pour papa pour les mettre sur ton blog. Trop belle comme dirait Léa !!

Anonymous said...

Salut. I seem to recognise some of these photos.... At the moment reading the blog with another regular, keen but silent reader, after a very good meal & wine(francais, naturellement!)We've been reminiscing about where we all met, namely 't'college on t'hill' and were wondering if any other readers who were formerly at Bingley know about the forthcoming Centenary celebrations on Spring Bank holiday weekend (dance, lunch, walk, etc) & may be attending. Google Bingley College for more info.
Would be good to see people.

Great to see pix of La Paillote up & running, & I KNEW the pizzas would be v. good.
Good luck for the season,
LCA & quiet friend

Unknown said...

Alors on tient le coup Chef ?
Les pizzas cela marche ?
il faudrait bien que je vienne les gouter sur place, c'est une menace...........
Bises a tous.