Sunday 20 October 2019

Mainly Betty

Nadine, Alfie & Betty arrived at the beginning of August and it was 'all hands on deck' from then on until Simon arrived mid-month.

Obviously our little pool was the main attraction...

...with Betty loving being in the water...
...and Alfie & Nadine perfecting their circus skills.
Another day, another pool: this time chez Jean & Monique
Betty's face says it all...
...what can be more fun than throwing yourself in the ball pool...
...or learning to ride a tricycle...
...or playing at the local park?

Meanwhile Alfie practises his wall-climbing skills...
...whilst Betty has her first trip on Maman's big bike (not a huge success, sadly)! 
Tonton Matt's getting Betty trained behind the bar...
...but it's far more fun to walk on it.
Just to show the weather isn't always perfect...
...perhaps an explosion of colour will compensate!
Alfie's turn for swimming lessons with Mary-Lou at the campsite...
...and good progress was made.
To finish, one of my favourite shots walking down to the Starfish at dusk

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