Thursday 16 May 2024

Round and about with the grandchildren

The Hills were chez nous for twelve days. Although still very lively Betty is calmer and sleeping better. They both get excited when we take them visiting, something that’s not always easy to do in August with all the crowds.

After the zoo we drove into Les Sables to find a spot of lunch.

Whist Mamie & co chose lunchtime sandwiches I persuaded Alfnbets to pose in front of l’Église Notre Dame de Bon Port des Sables d’d’Olonne.. It slightly dwarfed them!

Then a walk around the more industrial Les Sables…

…with its large silos…

…pleasure boats…

…and fishing vessels.

Just round the corner from our house is the skate park, Betty asking nearly every day to go and practise

One proud girl!

Not sure what Alfie’s up to here…

…but I know we had a lovely evening at Fafa’s one time, giving Nadine & Simon a ‘date night’ elsewhere. I’m sure you’ve spotted Sacha too!

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