Tuesday 28 May 2024

Catching up with family & friends

We met up with old college friends at the brown Cow in Bingley

Welsh Dave, Tine, Christine, Lindsay S, Amy & Sue

Of course Dave & I had to do a bit of wife-swapping!

A nice one of Tine & Christine, up from the Big Smoke.

Next day they had a walk down Memory Lane at our old college...

...whilst we entertained the Hills at the caravan. Alfie's going to be taller than his Mamie next year!

Steve came along and there were no complaints from Betty about rough-housing.

We drove to St Ives Park with Jodi & Mouse and their girls where we enjoyed a walk before heading for the play area.

There was a good view of our old college over the Aire Valley.

Another day we drove Kate down to see Silv and enjoyed a lovely pub lunch.

The journey back on the M60/M62 was less enjoyable!

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