Saturday 1 June 2024

Holiday near Sorrento

Old friends Helen & Mo asked if we fancied a holiday in Italy. We had already decided to go back to the UK for a while so we jumped at the idea of a holiday within a holiday.

Blue skies to wave us off at Leeds-Bradford Airport...

...snow-topped peaks in the Alps...

...and a sunset arrival in Naples.

Our Airbnb host suggested a taxi firm to get to his apartment but it was dark by then so not a lot to see.

Next morning here was the view from our balcony...

...and here's the Gang of 4 ON the balcony.

We were soon exploring Sant'Agnello: here the Chiesa Santi Prisco ed Agnello (with omnipresent motorbike helmets in the foreground.

The Convento di Sant'Agnello dei Frati Minori Cappuccini. You can just spot Tine, Helen & Mo looking at an amazing nativity scene bottom right.

The Santuario Ss. Annunziata was tucked away from view but we spotted it!

We walked along to the coast with its huge cliffs...

...and an excellent view of a 5-masted ship with Vesuvius in the background.

Same place but the view down the coast towards Sorrento.

We wandered through the narrow streets...

...spying lemon & orange trees everywhere.

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