Wednesday 11 September 2024

Garden & daily walks

We've learned to grow what we know works in our garden. Sadly the days of bountiful courgettes and squashes are over.

It's been (😂) a bumper season for French beans this year...

...and potatoes, not all as knobbly as these!

We've had plenty of artichokes, always leaving the last couple to flower.

Tomatoes, the plants that keep on giving. What an excellent year, although they've slowed down now.

Ok, they're not to eat but the albezia tree has been prolific again this year...

...and out & about there are fields of maize and sunflowers.

Some will recognise this statue very near to our house. The surfer's board has now been replaced but sadly the can of Red Bull is no longer in his left hand!

Some of the roads on my regular walk have now been designated 'vélorues' where cars are not supposed to overtake cyclists.

It's not always the case though

There is now a smoking ban on many of our beaches.

The open-air chapel only has services in full summer but they are well-attended.

Beach volleyball is also very popular, perhaps not when I took this photo looking over 'our' beach.

'Le plan d'eau', mostly used for sailing lessons but also for water-skiing at this end of the lake.

A pretty idyllic setting that was once going to be the site for our new Super U. Planning permission was denied for ecological reasons and now the replacement supermarket is to be built on the original site. That should be fun!

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