Saturday 7 September 2024

Le Château de Tiffauges

When our hot air balloon flight was cancelled last year we decided to visit le Château de Tiffauges on our way back, only to find it was closed for the day.

Better luck this time, and what a find!

The old moat...

...and a glimpse of how the castle might have looked in its heyday.

Most of the site is in ruins, but still impressive

A young guide in Medieval costume showed us round, explaining how life was.

These four children were really interested in the tour, asking great questions.

The bridge over to the Square Tower...

...and remains of the private chapel.

Tine helped with the catapult...

...complete with evidence of the action!

All good castles have a crypt...

...some with strange carvings.

A seige tower used to protect attackers when approaching high fortifications...

...and a tower containing the men's gaol (photo taken from the female tower)!

Just before leaving it was good to sit down to watch a great re-enactment, like a mini Puy du Fou! It's not my film but you can experience some of the show here:

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