Sunday 7 July 2024

Herculaneum (3)

Here's the last batch of photos from Herculaneum. Hope you enjoyed your visit as much as we did.

The first three photos show the public male baths...

...with separated shelves for their clothing.

A smaller female communal bath

A couple of 'odds & ends'...

...and ancient steps to an upper floor (not for us though).

The statue of Marcus Nonius Balbus, a benefactor of Herculaneum, here looking out to (what was) the sea.

Tine on one of the many paved streets...

...and here standing in the entrance to a rich Roman's dwelling. Notice the diamond-shaped tiles.

A last photo to show you 'ground level' for the more modern town. All of these ruins were covered in about 20m (66ft) of ash.

The weather's wasn't brilliant but what a great day we had.

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