Tuesday 9 June 2009

Produce update

After a few weeks of fantastic weather we have recently suffered a lot of rain and wind. The sun is never TOO far away in La Tranche though - the last two mornings have been atrocious, but afternoons and evenings have turned out very pleasant indeed!

So the gardens need water and at least if it rains I don't have to my nightly duty! As you can see from above our produce is coming along famously. Tomorrow I will sample our first home-grown Batavia lettuce of the year (Photo 1). We weren't going to grow potatoes this year but our neighbours kindly gave us some to plant so we just managed to squeeze them in! (Photo 2)

Tomatoes and carrots are looking VERY healthy. As we've not grown carrots before we're not too sure about them but they look happy! Hope you like the ruler (courtesy of Parkland MS not DHMS or Queensbury, for those in the know!)

Sadly photo 5 shows our one and only artichoke. We think the frost must have got the other plants earlier in the year, but we promise to take more care of them next winter...

The cherries are magnificent but it is a 'bataille royale' to get them before the birds do - more fruity pictures next time.

Next look carefully and you will spot our first broad beans. I sampled a couple of pods the other day. They weren't quite up to size, but boy were they sweet, just like peas. Finally our favourites: courgettes. There are plenty growing so keep those recipes coming!

1 comment:

Angela said...

How can you do that in sand when I can't do it in earth