Friday 10 July 2009

The Battery Family visits!

What a weekend! Gone were healthy eating and calorie counting, back were lots of drinks and guilty food (if only temporarily).
And the occasion? Anil, Anita & Arun came to stay for a couple of nights on their way back to the UK from their new property in Dordogne. Many memories of booze-ups in our gardens in Bingley came flooding back. It was great to see my beer buddy again.
We took them to Bud, the surfer beach by Les Conches. Although a little wary at first Arun & Anil loved the big waves - next time we'll get Anita in too! (Sorry about the topless posing - you can see why I'm trying to lose weight!)
On Monday we had a lovely lazy day outside in the garden, Tine making us a lovely pork meal, complete with home grown green beans and carrots, both of which we're very proud. Matt came too and it was great to see Arun replying to him in French - he's coming on in leaps and bounds.
I know they're coming back mid-August but I'm sure they'll spend much more quality time here in the future. And yes, we WILL be visiting you later in the year.

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