Saturday 19 December 2009

Rochefort en Terre

Another weekend another visit. We've had several comments about our recent travels but who can blame us when we discover such beautiful spots as Rochefort en Terre?
We were spending the weekend with 'Er in Brittany' (obviously no photos allowed) and dared to venture out in the rain. We managed a short walk around the town before a heavy downpour forced us back for a comforting late lunch.
There is definitely a similar feel to Rochefort en Terre as for good old Haworth, a coincidence that some of you will enjoy!
I love the stained glass window in the rather bizzare, mixed styles church.

1 comment:

cécile said...

Eh oui Rochefort en T était notre premier point d'arrivée dans le Morbihan... un peu triste en semaine, mais un village qui a toute son ame et qui peut devenir un vrai ieu touristique le week end ...