Sunday 31 January 2010

Saturday afternoon walk

The weather has been so miserable lately that it seems ages since we went out for a walk, but yesterday we managed it, even enjoying a spot of sunshine. As I type I can see a beautiful blue sky out there with the heavy frost disappearing as the sun rises. Come on, spring, we're waiting!

The first photo shows our neighbour's mimosa buds. The question is: will these buds develop into proper blossom? Last year the frosts affected many mimosas in the area.

We have a new cinema/theatre under construction in the town (going out towards La Terrière for those in the know) and hopefully it will be completed by the end of February. If you look carefully you might be able to spot the turf roof - very environmental! We went to see 'Invictus' at the cinema in Luçon last week, even before its release in the UK. Highly recommended!

And finally several beach shots, including a fully dressed sunbather.

We had a lovely time and finished the day off by being invited to eat with JP&C. After a very quiet few weeks perhaps our social life is picking up again.


Anonymous said...

oooo lovely, a marmaid, gorgeous. Or a Siren to lure sailors onto the rocks.

Nadine said...

Great news about having a new cinema!

cecile said...

oh la la, j'ai laissé passer la date de la Ste Martine ...

Je m'en veux énormément... alors plein de bisous en retard

Anonymous said...

Alors là, j'ai fait fort! 'marmaid' et Sainte... J'ai la grosse tête!!

Devinez qui!!