Tuesday 22 March 2011

Brouage (Part Two)

On the entrance to the town is found this sign: 'Traveller, stop here you must as the ground you are walking on and the air you are breathing are filled with past greatness and glory.' (Translation thanks to a great website, http://brouage-uk.weebly.com/index.html)

'The Grotto of the Deported Priests'

Tine tries the ancient latrines!

You can imagine the view from the citadel looking over the sea.

The Saint-Luc powderhouse

Couldn't help but think of Diagon Alley when we saw this wall.

This was the ice room, built into the ground. Now where did they get the ice from?

I was really pleased with this photo but there's a very similar one on the website!


Anonymous said...

Salut, les Tranchais.
Great pictures,as usual & another really interesting place. Reminds me a bit of Rochefort(think that's where I mean - old age creeping up). Will put it on my list of 'to visit' places - maybe this summer, though I bet it's really crowded in the season. Looks as if you had the place to yourselves.

Change of Atmosphere said...

Is the quote from the entrance of Brouage by Yoda?

Papaman said...

Thought you might recognise the quote, Mr Schw!