Wednesday 17 August 2011

Silence is golden...

...but also a sign that we've been very busy, with not much time for blogism.

Evidence that our new kitchen is getting good use. Firstly the breakfast-bar, complete with our new high stools.

Some of the many courgettes grown in the garden. When Nad's friends were here they had a competition to see who came up with the best dish. Courgette cake with lemon icing won I think (much yummier than it sounds)!

There is a story about the second bookshelf which is now back in situ!

Believe it or not this is only half of my Shreddie stash. I think I'm practically set up for life now!

This year's firework display for 'La Fête de l'Assomption' was on the 14th August and despite the drizzly rain we watched a magnificent display, based on music from 'The Lion King'. Beforehand Nad prepared a wonderful spread à la Tine who was busy at La Paillote, one of their biggest days of the season.

1 comment:

edith said...

can you eat all the shreadies before thier sell by dates? No more feasts for you, shreadies for every meal!!!