Sunday 1 January 2012

Phil's photos of Boxing Day

Happy New Year to all my readers!

The day after Christmas was one of those glorious blue sky days so we took ourselves off with a wonderful picnic prepared by Tine.

On the way we had to stop and witness Jesus walking on water just outside Saint-Hilaire-la-Forêt
and on La Plage de la Mine this tiny snail had been very busy.
A refreshing glass of rosé for apéritif
and crackers with party hats.
The food wasn't bad either!
Phil captures the splash of a large pebble thrown by Simon.
The family unsuccessfully try to find the geocache hidden in the area using our Christmas hand-held gps - we'll try harder next time!
Finally some very artistic photos taken by Phil on our return to La Tranche. The end of a perfect day.

Can you spot the star, the moon and the Phare de Balleine at the end of the Ile de Ré? 
Thank you Philippe for these brilliant photos!


Anonymous said...

Looks fantastic. Really does. Innit.

Anonymous said...

Bnnne Annee 2012 a tous nos amis tranchais!

Brill photos, Phil.


edith said...

great pics Phil x