Friday 3 February 2012


It might have been the first blue sky day for ages but the temperature only just scraped above zero with a biting wind. We ventured to Lairoux in search of a restaurant we've heard of, owned by Brits. We found the restaurant (closed by then) but also a lovely village which might warrant a future visit, perhaps combined with a cheeky meal out next time!

Thank you Mr Google, 'Venite ad me omnes' is from Matthew and translates as 'Come to me, all (who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest)' - not sure what the building was though!

The Town Hall...
...and beautiful church
An intriguing plot in the cemetry. We're still trying to work out what it signified! 

More of our cold weather exploits next time!

1 comment:

Nadine said...

You can put this on a list of things to do next visit, looks lovely :)