Saturday 26 May 2012


Enough of this galavanting: what's going on in La Tranche, you might be asking! Well apart from enjoying a vast improvement in the weather I had a telephone scoop just a short while ago. Keep reading to see what!

Is it the jetty? Well, all the piles are now in place but very little activity

Is it the Le Relais Fleuri being demolished on 22nd May (your faithful blogger, camera to the ready)?

Four days later the new car park is in use!

No, you were correct first time. My very reliable source told me that the rest of the jetty is in a secret location, just by the football stadium (oops, no longer a secret)!

Thanks to Matt for the scoop and Tine for the phone call (& me for cycling round there tout de suite)!


Anonymous said...

Well Mr C. You have missed your vocation in life. A roving reporter/ member of the paparazzi. Innit

Anonymous said...

French correspondant for the T&A!!