Thursday 28 June 2012

Le Château de la Guignardière

...otherwise known as Le Château des Aventuriers (Adventurers' Castle).

We've been wanting to visit this castle ever since we arrived in Vendée, so a big thank you to Maddie for giving us the excuse! There are three outdoor trails and a visit of the château all in the price, so value for money too!

We were met by these two VERY odd pirates
The château is very impressive, as you can see
No amount of whistling could get the peacocks to perform!
Maddie in 'Le Tour du Monde' (Round the World)
and with Tine having an a-MAZE-ing time

'That's near enough,' you can hear them say.

Shame the dinosaurs weren't real-life size, but they WERE very well behaved!
Lots of menhirs once again...
...good enough to jump off...

...or pose next to.
C'mon, Nicole, name this butterfly!
We didn't do the Pirate Trail but popped in to their model pub where Maddie was very frightened by James' head suddenly appearing!
And two more odd pirates saw us safely back to the car.
A highly recommended visit, and thanks once again to Steve for many of these photos.


Nadine said...

Fantastic pictures; now I want to visit!

Anonymous said...

Salut! Is it a Marbled White? Will check when I find Mum's butterfly book. Love the odd pirates.

Nicole said...

Je vous propose un Demi-Deuil, côté français ! C'est moins rigolo, mais çà parle aussi de son aspect. Love the odd pirates too, surtout celui dont on voit la jambe qui dépasse, c'est celle qui n'est pas en bois, bien sûr.