Sunday 26 April 2015

In Yorkshire with Alfie

Tine had a phonecall from Rémy: could she start work at the campsite on 25th April? So, after a quick think she said yes and I booked a return crossing for us to the UK for a couple of weeks.
It was great to catch up with family and friends, but also to spend a bit more time with Alfie.

So with no apologies here's the latest batch of Alfie photos!

He loves the swings, as you can see. There'll be one in our garden soon!

In usual reading position, this time with Matilda too
Love this cheeky chappie photo taken on his overnight at Jodi & Mouse's
He slept over one night at the caravan and he STILL fits in the kitchen sink (but only just)!
Back to his favourite indoor pastime: reading, this time Maddie on duty
Thankyou to Mr Singh for this photo of Alfie & Maddie
I downloaded an animal noises/vehicle sounds app for the iPad - a great success
But it's always back to books, this time Papy & Mamie having starring roles!

Hope you noticed the shorts. Yes, we had some excellent weather whilst we were there.

1 comment:

edith said...

Great that we were able to meet Alfie at last. We already knew him through all the lovely pics and updates! x