Thursday 21 May 2015

Garden produce

We're always being asked how the garden is, so after recent good weather here's an update for your delectation:

Broad beans (fèves) have been a great success this early summer, looking after themselves all winter too!

We're really happy with the raised beds, now all in action. Here we have red & white onions, and garlic...
...sweet and chilli peppers, aubergine, beetroot, spring onions and salad leaves.
Mmmmm, strawberries - not had any yet though!
We'll be planting more Swiss chard (blette in Vendée) as this winter's plants are getting a bit older now
Leeks are now in, and climbing French beans are peeping through
Give it a few weeks and this section (often under water in the winter in recent years) will be a courgette/pumpkin/butternut squash jungle, hopefully the tomatoes at the other end will survive!

Now will summer visitors appreciate our efforts?


Ann said...

Wow Dave. I could just eat those broad beans, one of my favouite vegs. Everything looks brilliant. Love the raised

edith said...

Your veg is miles ahead of ours. I've just replanted most of the seeds I planted a month ago. They came up then got eaten!