Sunday 21 June 2015

Garden update

I'm sure you're all wondering where we're up to in our garden.

Hope you like the new look me as a scarecrow (and no, I'm far from being this skinny)!
The first figs are forming on the tree that we moved last year. Fingers crossed...
Not yet the squash jungle but the first pumpkins and courgettes are on their way. Still awaiting the butternut squash. 
It's been a real pleasure to eat our own artichokes this year, small but perfectly formed
The French beans are suddenly getting into climbing mode after a slow start. Early flowers are on so we should be harvesting soon. 
Look closely and you can spot baby peppers
My photo doesn't do the hydrangea justice. C'est magnifique!
I'm sure one of my gardening friends will let us know what these are called. There are home-grown livingstone daisies (mesembryanthemums) behind, but they're taking their time.
Meanwhile with Tine's birthday and Father's Day to celebrate this weekend, where better for apéritifs?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Salut les jardiniers, bravo pour toutes ces cultures. Les petites fleurs qui s'ouvrent au soleil sont des ficoïdes, mais il y en a apparemment plusieurs sortes, et je ne sais pas le nom particulier de celle-ci. Bon annif, Tine, dans ta gigantesque piscine !