Tuesday 10 November 2015

Wandering down to the river

One thing we're not used to anymore is walking up and down hills, and Porto is full of them! Anyway it was all downhill to the River Douro, but you can guess the return trip wasn't quite as easy.

Looking down the Rua dos Clérigos...
...and two days later, the opposite view!
Praça de Liberdede (Liberty Square) with City Hall in the distance. There were pre-general election protests whilst we were there.
One of the many banks in the square...
...and a beautiful building left to fall in ruins.
In the old city there are many winding residential streets

This tunnel takes you though to the...
...Ponte Luis 1 bridge, in all its glory...

...with the metro on the top deck and vehicles below.
The Cais da Ribeira (the waterfront on the Douro)...
...with its higgledy piggledy residences...

...but always the bridge looming over.

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