Sunday 28 August 2016

Garden produce

We've had a hot summer with three periods way into the 30s, so daily watering has been essential. Thank goodness for the well with its free water!

Despite our best attention the apples and pears have 'visitors', still great for stewed fruit though!

The six new strawberry plants have been fruiting all summer. Time to replace the rest, methinks.
Raspberries have also been abundant
The figs are looking good, but will we be able to eat them this year...?

The tomato forest was late starting but we've had kilos of them now
'Er from Brittany contributed three delosperma plants to accompany ours. They already look great, but wait until they're established. 
One of our new-for-2016 tubs. Come on, 'Er, Nicole or Lindsay: name that plant!
One of our free sunflowers from the birdseed!
Meanwhile, in the raised beds, carrots have been a big success (deeper soil next year though)...
...with lots of herbs, lettuce & radish...
...and even sweetcorn.
At the bottom of the garden we've been a little less successful this year, but the beetroot hasn't been too bad
We've had far fewer courgettes and butternut squash this time...
...we reckon raised beds down there is the solution.


Nicole said...

Dipladenia, ta plante fleurie, pas sûre de l'orthographe quand même, je te laisse vérifier.

Papaman said...

Merci beaucoup from Delhi!