Saturday 25 March 2017

Cheddar Gorge & Wells

We made the most of the journey from Bristol to the ferry at Portsmouth by doing a bit of sightseeing on the way. The glorious weather was very welcome after such a dull weekend.

I remember my Dad driving us through Cheddar Gorge when we were children...'s just as impressive over 50 years later!

One of the old gateways to Wells, 'the smallest city in England'

The cathedral is truly impressive

Vicars' Close was built over 650 years ago to house the Vicars Choral (the men in the cathedral choir)

We also stopped at Stonehenge on the way, but sadly there are few photo opportunities unless you do the full visit, and we had a ferry to catch.

So, perhaps you'd like to see Stonehenge in 1975...
...with my old mate Gil (and yes that is skinny me with hair & beard)!

1 comment:

nadine said...

Wow, looks stunning. Love the blast from the past shots too :) x