Monday 24 April 2017


We're now in February with a mixed bag of weather but interesting wildlife!

There were many flights (yes I did check it) of cormorants flying over 'our' beach, often landing in the boating lake to sample its wares
On la Plage des Generelles, a gaggle (checked again) of Canada geese

Another day, low-flying cormorants
Yet another day, and great waves at la Terrière beach...
...and a washed up dolphin. Apparently there had been quite a few washed up on our shores. I was a good citizen and let the marine authorities know.
Couldn't resist this photo of one of the pathways onto the beach
Not many naturist participants in February! I just love that sign says, 'Nudism is tolerated beyond this point'.
An unwelcome creature this time: the dreaded pine processionary caterpillar, that eats anything in its path


Ann said...

Hope the caterpillar isn't too close to your garden!! xxx

Nicole said...

Les chenilles processionnaires se nourrissent des aiguilles des pins qu'elles habitent, ce qui peut même conduire jusqu'à la mort de l'arbre, ce qui est idiot car alors les chenilles se retrouvent privées de nourriture et meurent elles aussi. Lorsqu'elles descendent en procession, c'est pour trouver un endroit pour s'enterrer et achever le processus qui les voit renaître un peu plus tard sous forme de papillons, ces derniers allant ensuite pondre dans les pins et donner naissance à une nouvelle génération de chenilles, et ainsi de suite...