Saturday 24 June 2017

Garden update (1)

The amazing weather of recent weeks and your faithful blogger's daily watering ritual bode well for a bumper crop of garden produce.

The raised beds have been such a success. I would wholeheartedly recommend them to the amateur gardener (which I am most definitely)

Here our (mainly) herb garden also with a couple of sweet potato plants, a first for us
The French beans seem to grow as you watch them (thankyou, 'Er from Brittany, for the seeds). It won't be long before our first crop as the plants are beginning to flower.
Another mix here: cherry tomatoes, celery (another first), beetroot and radishes
Cherry tomatoes just starting to 'blush'
The main tomato bed, all the Italian variety Marzano, excellent for sauces
Our third to the last artichoke. After all these years we have had a bumper crop!
We dug up our first potato plant the other day (Ratte variety) and not only were they delicious but there were loads!
Peeking through the leaves there are quite a few pumpkins on their way. Urm, we didn't plant any pumpkin seeds!!
An old favourite though: the courgette, two harvested, hopefully very many to go
It looks like we're going to taste our own figs this year, the tree looking VERY healthy.

Mmmm, strawberries. Need I say more?
The raspberries too have been plentiful and very tasty
Finally our blackcurrants. With very little care they give excellent fruit each year.


Ann said...

Fabulous garden Dave, looks, and I'm sure tastes, better each

Anonymous said...

Proper Farmer Cleggy. Tis looking amazing.

Nicole said...

May be you don't remenber you planted any pumpkin seed... This sort of thing happens here too :)