Wednesday 4 July 2018

Have wheelchair will travel

I haven't updated you on Tine's progress recently. Six weeks after the operation her surgeon gave permission to start weight-bearing on her right leg and start physio sessions. A few weeks later and she is doing marvellously, still in the wheelchair for longer distances but on one crutch around the house and garden. This selection is from when Tine was more-or-less wheelchair-bound.

Our main destination? The Starfish of course!
Wonderful weather for quite a while has meant many meals eaten outside
A catch-up with the Essex girls (Shan & Vanna) at La Paillote...
...and what about this beautiful bouquet from our lovely friends, which obviously did the trick helping Madam to get better.
Made it to the end of the jetty...
...this time in competition with Betty.
Nadine coping well with both pushchair and wheelchair. Who would expect otherwise?!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

En somme, tout va comme sur des roulettes ! Gros bisous ma Titine.