Tuesday 30 October 2018

The grandsons' show

Yes I know, you see enough of Alfie & Sacha here, but here's more!

Two photos sent by Nadine showing a very happy Alfie in uniform for his first day at school
Thankfully he loves it. Phewwww!

Meanwhile Sacha's been going to school for a while now, the starting age being much lower than in the UK. Wednesday means no school for him: guess who enjoy coming to the rescue!

Shadow games on the Baie d'Aunis walls
Always a success: the carousel on the main square
Otherwise there's looking for creatures on the jetty pillars...
...climbing at the campsite...
...feeding the goats at Les Floralies...
...or balancing activities!

His favourite expression at the moment is 'tout seul' (by myself). I think these photos show why!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Qu'ils sont mignons !