Monday 18 February 2019

Changes 2019

It's still not finished, as Sacha keeps reminding us...
...but the new apartment block is beginning to look great, and not quite as out of character as I thought.
The accompanying swimming pool looks tiny though!

The town has decided to improve the slope down to the beach at the side of le Pavillon...

...and very smart it looks too (shame about the graffiti).

L'Avenue de la Plage is also under major reconstruction and promises to be of top quality, judging by the curb-stones!
In town there has been demolition, and rumour had it that this iconic building was to follow. Fingers crossed that's not the case!
This photo doesn't exactly go with the rest but for a third year the town has these rubbish bins at strategic spots for rubbish washed up on the beach. We're always amazed (and pleased) how clean our beaches are.

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