Monday 26 August 2019

Grey sky day near Longeville & other stories

Another odds and ends post!

Sacha's always ready to help Papy water the garden...
...but is happiest when jumping in the pool!
Meanwhile your faithful blogger is always happy to be at the Starfish, especially when lovely Vanna is there!
Almost thought I was in Amsterdam the day I saw all these bikes on the way into town! 

We had one of those days when we said, 'What shall we do?' Answer: a short trip in the Longeville area where we were rewarded with great photo opportunities.

It's a shame I can't show you before and after. These are baby maïse plants, sadly the future corn on the cob husks destined for fodder rather than human consumption.
We used to be able to walk around this windmill but it's now somebody's home. Wish we could see inside!

I can't finish without showing my replenished Shreddies cupboard (aka Shreddstock), thanks to our campsite friends Jacky & Alan.

Sorry about continuity problems, normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. It's a tough life with a house bursting at the seams!!

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