Wednesday 6 November 2019

Alert: hijacked post!

Let me introduce you to my new photographer: Alfie, let loose in the Starfish towards the end of their holiday.

And what better subjects than our Essex friends, Big Dave & Shan...
...not forgetting Vanna of course, here with Nadine & Simon. 
Now here's a shock photo, brothers with a drink - Pete and your faithful blogger
Now Betty's getting in on the action
Selfie time with Maman & Vanna...
...and Betty getting in on the action again!
Other Essex friends June & Dick (photobombing from behind) with Shan & Tine
The new Boyzone?
How do you prefer Big Dave... 
...with or without Alfie's hat?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Un grand bravo à mon blogger pour ces dernières entrées estivales :-) Ça fait du bien de revoir du soleil et de repartager ces heureux moments. Tu es le plus fort Dave ;-) xx

Hat off to my blogger for these last few summary posts :-) It feels great to see sunshine and to revisit these happy times. Dave, you are the best ;-) xx