Sunday 22 December 2019

Son Bou & Torralba d'en Salort

More exploring on the next day, firstly to Son Bou with its huge beach.

Not forgetting the turquoise sea 
Three of the Dynamic Four, cooling their feet in readiness for a dip later
Remains of the basilica dating from the 5th century

We clambered up the headland to the east of the beach...

...perching over to spot the caves in the cliffs.
These two photos are from a book back at the AirBnb...
...showing the basilica, and very little else!

In the afternoon, Mo, Tine & I visited the ancient site of Torralba d'en Salort 

The site dates back to 1000 BC but was occupied right up to medieval times 
The taula ('table' in Catalan) is one of the largest on the island... can be seen with Tine standing behind it!

There was a small quarry here at one time

The entrance to a hypostyle room...
...which I now know means under pillars or columns.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Son Bou after Portbou ! The year of the Bou !