Sunday 28 June 2020

Garden update

All this confinement and good weather have meant we've been able to spend a lot of time in the garden.

Once again we've had an amazing crop of artichokes...

...luckily Sacha & Matt always keen to sample them.

'Rattes' potatoes, photo taken mid-May. The plants are now dying down and we know what that means!

There's plenty of new growth on the olive tree. Will we get a crop to bottle this year?

The strawberries have been magnifique...

...just don't let Sacha get there first!

Dwarf green beans mid-May...

...and the same bed a few weeks later.

Perhaps you prefer the climbing variety. Whichever we have had a big crop this year. (The radishes in and amongst have been great too.)

We've tried courgettes again with limited success...

...nil desperandum.

We've now sampled our first cherry tomatoes and looking forward to other varieties soon

On the flower front the wisteria was as impressive as ever...

...and wild poppies have been everywhere, traditional red...

...and the yellow California variety.

Finally, I reckon my Dad would be proud of this rose, a gift for Tine from 'Er in Brittany a few years ago


Nicole said...

Les haricots à perches ça fait pas mal au dos pour les cueillir !

edith said...

flowers and veg look