Sunday 4 October 2020

Journey back

We spent a lovely lunchtime and afternoon at Simon's parents' house in the middle of nowhere outside the appropriately named town of Battle. Sadly no photos!

It was only a couple of hours' drive to Portsmouth and we got there to see our ferry arriving, Alfie very excited

I reckon you can feel Alfie's pain from the crab on the statue...

...I'm not sure Betty quite understood.

A cheeky look at the ferry to the Isle of Wight: the tide was very high as you can see

We were all very excited about boarding the ferry...


Arrival at Saint Malo is always impressive

Nearly there...

...and that's as far as we got!

Stevedore strikes stopped us landing so after an hour's wait we set off again for Cherbourg, meaning our arrival back in La Tranche was around 9 hours late. So much for arranging lunch at Cynthia's!

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