Friday 22 January 2021

Daily walks in lockdown

One good thing about the 2nd 'confinement' was that we were allowed to go onto the beach, still only during the permitted hour a day's walk though.

So another excuse for beach photos!

Low tide one day meant the fish trap (écluse à poissons) was very visible

That's the jetty in the far distance, lots of people round as you can see...

...and a closer look too!

Methinks there's a spot of rain in La Rochelle

Sometimes I have company on my walk...

...some company I can do without!

An arty shot over la Plage de Générelles...

...and an art installation of lost footwear at la Grière.

Kitesurf practice on the boating lake...

...and a view back over 'le plan d'eau'.

In town and St Nicolas' church in all its glory

But what do we have here? Yes, the dreaded processionary caterpillars about to break loose...

...and here's what they get up to, eating everything in their path.

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