Thursday 6 May 2021

New for 2021

It’s now May and usually the shops, bars and restaurants are getting busier, but for the second year things aren’t very normal. Covid-19 figures in France are beginning to show the effects of the improved vaccination program and we all have fingers crossed for summer 2021, especially to welcome our faithful UK visitors.

There are big changes to the road from the town square leading to the gendarmerie: two-way or one-way, that is the question, there's not always a lot of width for big trucks.

Just above the Starfish, the new restaurant is taking shape at an amazing speed. This photo taken on 12th April (the Starfish is to the right).

Two weeks later there's a strange delivery on the nearby carpark... looks like a building kit...

...and a new solid structure to the back.

Just 4 days later, and it's not only the weather that's changed!

To give a bit of perspective that's the back of the Starfish on the left

Another four days later

Just two days ago...

...showing the huge opening onto their terrace...

...and a sneaky preview of inside.

Law-abiding Marie's back, only open for soft drinks and no seating...

...but she generally closes in poor weather.

The view's just as good though!

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