Sunday 23 September 2007

An Englishman in Figeac!

Just spent a few days in Figeac, the lovely M's home town down in the Lot area of France. Sadly my father-in-law Maurice died at Easter but F is getting stronger day by day and we hope she will come and visit us soon.

I can't describe Figeac and do it justice. Each time we visit we marvel at the beautiful restorations being carried out, all in keeping with the medieval origins of the town. This time we visited the newly renovated and reopened Champollion Museum. (Figeac born Jean-François Champollion 'broke' the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic code using the Rosetta Stone.) The views from the top veranda are magnificent as you can see above.

We also had time to see Loulou, S, C & R who have a fantastic house just over the river from the town centre. We're looking forward to more fun times ahead when they come back soon to west France for a family wedding. You can see R on and see if he has learned from Tonton D!!

So today is a special day, and a big thanks for the cards, emails, texts and phone calls. Yes, it's my Heinz day (older readers will understand, excusez moi les lecteurs français!) What a day to spend it, a beautiful Vendée blue-sky, sunbathing, playing in the waves and later at J&M's pool. We're going out for a meal with them shortly to celebrate and son M is joining us there.

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