Saturday 29 September 2007

The tide is high (cont'd)

(1) Tine by the delapidated jetty showing artist's impression of the new jetty (2008)
(2) The 'Northern' beach ie. the beach where Northerners go (said by a very snobby Southerner MANY years ago!) Naturally the beach we used to go to ........
(3) The afore-mentioned delapidated jetty from the 'Northern' beach
(4) The main beach from l'Océan complex - normally there's a wide beach before the sea, isn't there Kate and Pete?
(5) The beach nearest to chez nous - note the flotsam in the sea!
(6) Tine victoriously beating the flotsam
(7) Matt about to bring a part of history to shore. Yes, it's part of the old jetty, drifted along the bay and soon to be a designer lampshade in the Alps!!
Hope Little Miss Impatient is happy now the photos are here! Had a busy day!!


Anonymous said...

Great photos. Weather much better than here yesterday!! I remember the tide up to the dunes one fine summer.....a long, long time ago, when children were very young & could be amused for a whole afternoon by jumping off the dunes into the deep trench at the top of the beach! Ah, memories.
La correspondante anglaise.

Anonymous said...

much better, thank you! x

Unknown said...

Hi, back from holiday in New Forest in campervan. weather mixed. Love all your pics, looks great over there. I am jealous also. Hope you had a great birthday. Am going to contact M as, horror of horrors, I forgot his birthday. Need his address!! Will text him asap.Tile paint is ok, we have used it in a previous house.
Take care, lots of love from your big sis. xxx

Anonymous said...

Tes photos sont SUPER, j'attends la suite.
Your legs are super sexy but I prefer "ta méduse" du 5 octobre
La Vincennoise