Wednesday 10 October 2007

An Englishman in Nantes (Part 2)

The Chateau de la Guere is a fantastic venue lost in the countryside outside Ancenis. Both families were very worried as on earlier visits it looked like a building site (and we've seen the photos that show this!) However on Saturday evening we arrived at a beautifully lit fairytale chateau, endless champagne and canopés awaiting us at the end of the courtyard.

The photo gives an impression of the dining area. Round tables seating 8 or 10 people, clear chairs reflecting and bouncing the subtle lighting, apple and lily centrepiece on each table, glasses of every size! Also no 'top table', the newly weds sitting with all their friends, other guests carefully seated with similar people: everyone here to celebrate.

And onto the food: have a look at the menu above - those of you with some French will see the starter was lobster, and YES I ate it. The poor quality photo is Half of Harry the Homard on my plate! The beef was so succulent - how can they provide this quality for so many people? The 'parfait' was like a cheese and dried fruit loaf, tasty but filling; and the tanzanie was utterly decadent - I still made a valiant effort to finish it! All of this washed down by wonderful white and red wine, and of course the ubiquitous champagne.

Mid meal there was a montage of photos/videos of the bride and groom growing up, much to everybody's amusement, and a song sung by members of Jennifer's family. Later the band started to perform, and excellent they were playing many types of music from 70s disco (yeah!) to tango to cheesy Euro-pop. They certainly got the crowd dancing and performed non-stop way into the small hours.

Nearly 4 am and we decided to make our way back to the hotel, thankful that we hadn't ordered a breakfast for next morning.


Anonymous said...

Je suis tres fiere de toi, bravo. Je suis aussi jalouse! Bisous et a bientot au telephone? Ta fille x

Anonymous said...

Bravo pour le homard!
And obviously the parfait was inspired by the good Yorkshire tradition of Christmas cake & cheese!!

La correspondante anglaise.