Thursday 1 May 2008

May Day, May Day

Guest blogger: La Correspondante Anglaise
I'm sitting in the chair, charged with writing today's blog! After promising I'd do this when I visited, I've got writer's block - Help!! Well, I could begin at the beginning...
Bonne fete du 1er mai - that was the greeting this morning, accompanied by a lovely sprig of 'muguet' - lily of the valley, the traditional gift to people you love on May Day. Martine and I received another posy when we called to see Jean later in the morning - see first picture.
Actually, the next two pictures are sneaked in from yesterday. After a leisurely morning, during which the rain stopped, we went for a walk along the beach, to examine the latest developments. As it's still 'Spring holiday' in the Paris area, there are people on holiday, with quite a few surfers and kitesurfers enjoying the better weather. After walking right along the beachfront, we turned inland towards home, calling in to see some friends who have just opened Cafe de la Plage. And of course, there was a drink!
Today, Martine and Dave took me to Puits de l'Enfer (Hell's Well), north of here near Les Sables d'Olonne, photo 4. Very different coastline, rocky, rough sea & spray, with a 'washing machine' full of sea foam in one deep trough. I'm not really that much taller than Martine, just on a higher bit of rock. We had a 'safari lunch', beginning with aperitifs & entrees, near there, sheltered by some bushes from the strong wind, photo 5. As we were interrupted by a short shower, we finished lunch, by the marina in Port Bourgenay.
Martine and I took a walk along the cliff top between the two venues. In the woods, we discovered a 'cabane' made from fallen tree branches, so of course we had to try it for size!
Had a lovely rest of the day, meeting many people. I'm having a great visit, (apart from stressing about about doing this blog!) thanks to my very kind friends, who are feeding me toooo well, and supplied with wine!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm the first to read the blog today! Bonne fete tout le monde! I hear you have an extra bank holiday in May. How marvellous for you! Much love & virtual 'muguets' T'L XXX

Anonymous said...

Fab first blog LCA, don't go stressing! Photos great as always, specially that 'cabane' as you say! You look well wrapped up though, considering I didn't wear a coat to work today. Summer is showing its face today (although I fully expect rain by 3pm!!!) Enjoy the rest of your sejour and pass on some bisous to my parents xxx

Anonymous said...

Bonjour LCA et amis. Salutation a Bingley. J'aimer bien votre photos. Welcome Home LCA. Glad you had a good time. pb