Wednesday 18 June 2008

Father's Day present

A big thanks to Matt, Nad & Phil for coming to the rescue and getting me a new camera for Father's Day - a bit extreme but I am very grateful. The blog lives on!!
Yes, there's activity at the jetty. After a few weeks of 'will they/won't they' the Vendée Council has decided to go ahead just as the season is hotting up, taking valuable parking space with all the vehicles and materials. It's interesting to see that it's not just in England that they get the timing wrong. For those coming out this Summer the works should be completed by mid-July, so you can breathe again.
Anyway it all looks like a giant Meccano building set at the moment so I hope somebody knows how to put it all together! The first two photos were taken yesterday and the last two today when I cycled round 'on my way' to Super U to shop once more for our visitors who have very healthy appetites!!


Anonymous said...

A mission for you - see if you can find out if there are plans for boat trips in August... Bonne Chance x

Anonymous said...

heureusement que ce soir je consulte ce blog, pour découvrir, ce qui se passe devant mon camping!! Je n'avais pas vu ce splendide mécano. Seulement entendu un peu de bruit peut-être que dans certains cas on préfère faire l'autruche!
Bonne idée de fête des pères