Monday 23 June 2008

Garden update

Thought I'd bring you up to date with our garden. As you can see from the photos things are developing well. The apple and pear trees are laden with fruit - the first photo is one of the two pear trees. Looks like I'll be forced to make my delicious pear pudding way into the future!!
Don't think the second crop is that well known back home. It's Swiss chard and we used quite a few leaves the other day in a béchamel sauce, with cheese on top. I bet Nad's envious as it's one of her faves!
You can just make out some green cherry tomatoes on the third photo (and if you look carefully you can also make out one of our last strawberries - we didn't get loads but they have been deliciously sweet). We also have regular tomato plants and they already have plenty of fruit.
Finally we're very proud of our first crop of courgettes which we selflessly gave to Gill - there are plenty more on their way!
The potatoes aren't looking as healthy as they were - perhaps they haven't had enough water - and we're still waiting for the artichokes to send up their stalks. They ARE looking good though.


Anonymous said...

The courgettes were delicious! You ought to try them!!

'er in Brittany

Anonymous said...

Fruit and veg look fantastic. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Not one of my faves when I'm dieting!!! :) Also - stop bragging about 'not enough water' - we're all quite jealous enough already xxx

Anonymous said...

Salut, les jardiniers!
All that fruit & veg looks lovely -mouth watering. Hope there will be some left to sample by August.
Last week I made the Tatin aux endives which I first tasted chez vous - glad I remembered how to do it. I fancy trying the Swiss chard dish, too.
Have you considered introducing a recipe section on the blog, alongside the gardening updates? It could be useful for your readers!
Where's the guest blog from 'er in Brittany? Salut, 'er, how did you prepare the courgettes?

Bisous, LCA.